Monday 18 May 2020

Where to Begin? Rummaging About...

Lot's and lot's of head scratching... Just what was I thinking two years ago?

I suppose it's a lucky thing I was blogging my progress at the time as it means that I can actually look back at my posts from the time to get an idea about what I was up to. However, this has also made me realise just how unfocused and fickle a modeller I was, jumping -as I tended to do - from one half -finished project to another. 😵

The upshot of this means - somewhere under all the crap that covers my work bench - there are several unfinished projects and I am having to do a bit of careful archaeological excavation in order to uncover them. I'm like some sort of really rubbish and nerdy Indiana Jones!

I do have a 'On the workbench' list on the right side of this blog which should give me a precise overview of what was on the go in 2018. But knowing me, I probably had several 'side projects' on the back burner at the same time. Still, it's a good starting point and I have already identified a couple of the projects that I fancy reactivating.

Top of my list of models that have piqued my interest are the Hobby Boss 1/72 Hurricane Mk. IIc and the Hunor 1/72 Ford 1939 Truck. The Hurricane because I vaguely remember that it was very nearly finished and because it was just a fun project so will be a good one to restart my modelling with (I won't be too worried about spoiling it).

The Ford truck is a wee bit more tricky, but intrigues me as I can't remember working on this one at all. Also, this kit doesn't seem to have gotten beyond the construction phase so it will allow me to reacquaint myself with building again.

Not the most interesting model I guess ('Umph, another truck!') but it looks like I had done quite a bit of work to rescue what looked like a bit of a rubbish resin model and so it would be a pity to waste that. And... I'm kinda excited to see if I can pull off making a silk purse out of what looks to have been a sow's ear!

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