Wednesday 25 June 2014

Showing models using video?

I was thinking that while stills photography is nice I could present my finished models using video. That way whoever is interested in my work can get a better feel for some of the detail and scale.

So, I have knocked together this 'pilot' video - it's all very shaky as it was just a quick hand-held job using just my iPhone. Hopefully you will enjoy it and it will be useful despite being blurry in places!

I may start to do little video-blog posts as  it might help to show how I muddle through the techniques I use. But that means you'll have to put up with hearing my voice - as if my long-winded written posts weren't bad enough. :)


  1. Wargame videos don't work for me. I believe I am typical of my generation (50s).
    Generally on t'internet I don't click on them.

    But I am open minded so I clicked on yours. All I got was music , a logo, moving pictures and no actual information. I left after 10 seconds.

    I fully realise that this may be the norm for young 'uns but my time on t'internet is a valuable commodity and I don't want to waste it.

    The same principle applies to when I click on a link from a forum to see something I might be interested in and get an advert. I can't click the 'back' button fast enough.

    If the younger generation want to get a message across to us oldies (the majority) they need to realise that we use t'internet in a different way.

  2. Nicely done I reckon. A wee bit shaky, but nothing too much to worry about.

  3. Sir, a nice way to present your very good work. Do like the sepia pictures. Cheers
